ul. Fabryczna 6
41-404 Mysłowice
Tel.(32) 31 70 550
Fax (32) 31 70 551
konko@konko.pl | http://konko.pl/
KONKO S.A. is a company boasting 27 years of activity, engaging in projects related to the manufacture of steel structures. Our offer is addressed to customers requiring high quality of machining and welding. We realise individual customer orders based on specific technical documentation. Close and regular cooperation with OEMs gives us the possibility to offer comprehensive solutions for final users in mining, building, power and road building industry. The enterprise offers convenient and flexible model of cooperation. We supplied our steel structures to the largest transport, road building and mining companies in Australia, India, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Norway and Sweden.
Steel machine structures for road building
Steel structures for material transport
Steel structures for industrial building
Mechanised supports
Overhauls of mining machines
Gas cutting
Die bending
Plasma cutting