Legal and information team
The Law and Information Team was established at the Chamber at the initiative of entities which are members of the Economic Chamber of Non-Ferrous Metals and Recycling (IGMNiR) in order to defend the good name of the scrap industry, especially in terms of wider disputes with tax inspection authorities and tax authorities.
Key targets:
- taking legal action in order to draw the attention of Polish and the EU authorities on possible irregularities in the activities of the state administration, which the Team implements inter alia by formulating official letters to representatives of the executive, legislative and the EU institutions;
- monitoring the situation of industrial companies, for which the tax authorities and tax inspection authorities lead proceedings challenging the right to deduct VAT;
- strengthening the legal protection of the Polish recycling industry;
- comprehensive measures to improve the functioning of the Polish tax system;
- information campaigns in the media focusing on the formation of a positive image of the companies involved in trading and recycling of scrap metals.
On 23rd May 2012, the Code of Good Practices designed to provide transparency in the transactions of buying and selling scrap metals and to prevent possible abuses was adopted through the efforts of Members and Partners of the Legal and Informational Team at the Annual General Meeting of the Chamber.